Season 2

This was an awesome season. We were introduced to Spike and Drusilla, I love them. We see Angel's bad side, Angelus. Giles was in a relationship with Jenny, then she was brutally murdered. And the Buffy/Angel/Angelus side was incredibly heartbreaking. Becoming 2 was so sad. And Xander and Cordelia! Willow and Oz! I love them together. Surprise/Innocence was so sad! I loved the Buffy/Angel scenes. And Angelus is really mean, tormenting Buffy, stealing Dru from Spike, while he's in a wheelchair, calling him names. He's a great bad guy. It's hard to believe he was the Angel we knew and loved. And then Willow gave him his soul back, but Buffy had to send him to Hell to close the Vortex to Hell! All in all, this was the best season, in my opinion.

review by Stephanie

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