Not much is known about Spike's past as a human. He was sired by Angelus ("You were my Sire man, my Yoda!" School Hard.... "I'll stake me old sire here right now" Into the Dark"), and his age is either 200 or 126. He's killed two vampire Slayers in his time. When he came to Sunnydale to go for a third, he teamed up with the "Annoying One", and came close to killing Buffy during the parent-teacher conferences. He was hit with an ax by Buffy's mom. Spike had fallen in love with Drusilla, who Angelus made insane. Once Angel got his soul, the two of them were together. Drusilla got injured by a mob in Prague, and Spike restored her health, but in doing so, he got injured and was put in a wheelchiar. Soon, he and Drusilla brought back the Judge, to bring forth the end of the world. That was when Angelus lost his soul, and came back to Spike and Dru. Angelus took great pleasure in tormenting Spike about his disabiltiy. He also stealing to steal Dru from Spike, which made Spike hate Angelus even more. So he teamed up with Buffy to stop Angelus from opening Acathla, and bringing forth the end of the world, and so Dru will come back to him. Well, the world didn't end, but Drusilla was furious with Spike, and left him for a Chaos demon, saying Spike wasn't demon enough. He came back to Sunnydale, captured Willow and Xander, and was going to have Willow perform a love spell, but decided he should torture Drusilla instead. Well, it looks like his plan didn't work, because in the fourth season, Spike returned to Sunnydale with Harmony, in search of the Gem of Amarra. He found it, but lost in a fight with Buffy. He then went to Angel for the Gem, and hired Marcus to torture him. It didn't work, and Angel smashed the ring, leaving Spike as the Lone Wolf. Well, later Spike was shot and captured by the Initiative, who took out his abitilty to bite or hurt any humans. In need of blood, Spike turned to Buffy and the Scooby Gang. They grudgingly helped him out for information of the Initative. Later, Spike was cheered up when he learned he could hurt demons. He then joined forces with Adam, so he could get the chip out of his head. When it didn't work, Spike joined Buffy and the gang again.

Drusilla, the Loony

Angel, the Sire

Harmony, the ditz

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