
Angel is a 240 so vampire. As a human, he was a lazy man, who didn't work much. His father disapproved of him, and he left his home before he was changed. When he was changed, he first killed his family, after his sister invited him into his house. She thought he was an Angel, which is how I think he got his name.

He was sired by Darla in Galway, 1753. He became known as the Scourge of Europe. Some vampires that he has sired are Spike, Drusilla, and Penn. He drove Drusilla insane, and killed all her family. Then when he fed on a gypsy girl that Darla brought to him in Romania, they cursed him with a soul. He went back to Darla, and she threw him out when she learned he had his sol back. He went to America, where he lived on the streets, and lived off of rats.

Then in Manhattan, 1996, he met a demon named Whistler. He told Angel that he could become someone. They went to L.A, and Angel saw Buffy be called as the Slayer. He decided he wanted to help her, and he moved to Sunnydale, and lived off of blood from a butcher's shop. He met Buffy, and he would warn her of danger signs, and then leave. In the episode "Angel" he saved her from the Three, and stayed at her house. That was when they shared their first kiss. He vamped out, and jumped out the window. Later, Darla bit Buffy's mom, and made it look like Angel did. She wanted Angel to be his evil self. Buffy and Angel fought each other at the Bronze, and that was when Angel told her about the curse. Then Darla came, and she was about to kill Buffy with a gun. Angel staked her to save Buffy.

After a while, Angel left, but he came back. The two of them started a relationship, and he became a member of the Scooby Gang. Then when Buffy turned 17, the two of them made love. Angel got too happy, and he lost his soul, and he reverted to his old form. He joined forces with Spike and Drusilla. When Jenny Calander, who was a gypsy, tried to recurse Angel, he destroyed the computer and the printout, but he missed the disk. He then killed her, and laid her out in Giles's bed.

Then when Acathla was dug up, he planned to do the ritual that'll open its mouth, and end the world. When he didn't do it right, he tortured Giles for the information. He found out how to do the ritual right when Drusilla hypnotized him to thinking she was Jenny. Angel did take the sword out of Acathla, and he battled Buffy. As Buffy was about to kill him, Angel got his soul back, when Willow recursed him. But the blood was the thing that would close Acathla, so Buffy had to stab Angel and send him to Hell, to prevent the whole world being sucked up.

So Angel spent several hunderd years in Hell, and he was later brought back up. He and Buffy became friends. Then during "Amends" he was haunted by ghosts of the people he's killed. He was going to kill himself by waiting for the sun to rise, when it snowed, so the sun didn't rise all day. He and Buffy then pursued a relationship, without getting happy. He pretended to be Angelus at a time, to fool Faith, and find out about the Mayor's Ascension. That put a pause in their relationship.

But later, he decided that Buffy deserved a better life, and he left was going to leave her after Graduation. Faith shot him with a poisionous arrow, that would slowly kill him. The only cure was a Slayer's blood. Buffy allowed him to drain her, but not all of it. He drank from her, took her to the hospital, and he was cured. After he battled in the Ascension, he left, without a goodbye.

He then went to L.A, where he met up with Doyle and Cordelia. He was a private detective, who helped lost souls. Doyle had visions of people who needed his help, brought by the Powers that Be. When Doyle died during "Hero" he passed the visions along to Cordelia.

Buffy came to L.A after she found out Angel was following her, and they battled a Mohara demon. Angel's blood mixed with his blood, and Angel became human. He and Buffy were together for one day. When Angel realized that he couldn't help Buffy during the End of Days, he asked the Oracles to make him a souled vampire again. They turned back the clock, so only he would remember the day.

Angel then was helping Faith atone for her sins, when Buffy came. The two of them fought, and he ordered her to go home. He went back to Sunnydale to make things right between them. At the end of the series we learn that Angel is prophesized to become human at some time.


Buffy the Slayer
Darla the Sire
Drusilla the Childe

Angel Photo Album